
Showing posts from November, 2018


It is best to teach your child to eat independently with a spoon or fork when he\she is ready for it. Usually, in kids, interest in self-feeding develops cyclically. - The child is actively interested in forks/spoons and trying to use them for their intended purpose) - The child is interested mainly in pieces, often large If you catch the cycle of interest in the spoon, then the learning process will be as simple as possible, quick and not stressful for the mom and baby. It is easiest to teach to eat with a spoon or fork in two stages: 1. The first stage is an acquaintance with the mechanics of the process. That is, how to bring a spoon to the mouth, open the mouth and eat the food off the spoon. Instead of bringing the spoon to the child’s mouth, put a small amount of food on the spoon and offer the baby not at the level of his\her mouth but at the level of their hands. But as close as possible to the baby, even if they are absolutely not used to this movement refle...


1. BE PATIENT If your baby is already more than 9-10 months old and there are problems with chewing, then you should not give mashed potatoes today, and finger foods tomorrow. Your baby just won't understand what is happening and, most likely, this experience will not end very well. Your baby will either spit it out or choke and get scared. Start with "micro-doses" (pieces the size of a rice). Buckwheat/rice groats or small pieces of any soft foods are perfect. As soon as your baby begins to cope with such pieces easily, eat not one, but several such pieces at once, chew and swallow them well, you can offer him small soft 1x1cm pieces, for example, baked or steamed apple, pear or pumpkin. The size of the pieces, the volume of the portion of food in pieces and the hardness of the pieces themselves will gradually increase. 2. DON'T BE SCARED I guess every mother has noticed how sensitive kids feel to our mood. They are naughty when we get angry or upset, and calm ...


WHY DOES YOUR BABY EAT SLOWLY AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT? Here are common reasons your little one is a slow eater. 1. JUST LEARNING HOW TO CHEW. If you just introduced solids or changed the texture to a thicker one, your baby is learning to chew, swallow, eat with a spoon, etc. The child develops these new skills gradually, it is difficult and unusual for him, and so the feeding process can be delayed. WHAT TO DO? - Be patient, give your child time to learn, help, and assist. Do not rush and do not scold, otherwise, you can scare the child and provoke refusal to eat or discourage the desire to learn a new skill. - If the problem is that the consistency is not suitable for your baby (he hardly eats literally a spoon), then you simply adapt the consistency to a more suitable one at the moment (smaller pieces, softer, etc.) 2. BABY IS USED TO STRETCHING MEALS. Your child always eats 30-40 minutes. This is a habit that the mother creates: she keeps the child at the table, waits for...


Loss of food interest after 1-2 months of solids is quite often, which is sometimes blamed on the teeth, vaccination, etc. Your baby perfectly opened his mouth literally a week ago, and today suddenly he began to completely refuse to eat. 1. You need to understand whether it was really food interest. If the baby opened his mouth to the spoon you suggested, this is not food interest. The child should be interested in food without your initiative, reach for the plate, try to drag a piece off the table, and so on. 2. Often, when food interest appears (or if the baby simply does not resist and opens its mouth), mothers calm down and think that this will happen all the time now. But food interest does not appear once and for all, it must be supported. And here mothers often make typical mistakes: - do not understand what food interest is, how and why to support it. - introduce certain products in a binding sequence, whether it is interesting to the child or not. - they try to introduc...


December is around the corner and that means it's almost CHRISTMAS!!! YAY!! Here are 10 onesies your little munchkins are going to look sooo adorable in!!! 1. MOTHERCARE This bright holiday kit, consisting of a jumpsuit with a pattern "feral" and a hat, decorated with a pattern in stripes is going to make your munchkin even cuter. Overalls: Elastic neck Buttons on the shoulder Long sleeve Elasticated cuffs Buttons on the feet and in the diaper area Closed toes The technology of processing internal seams Toe-Safe Pattern "feral" front and back Color: red and white The material is 100% cotton Hat: Elastic edge Striped pattern Pompom on top Color: red and white The material is 100% cotton 2. MOTHERCARE This festive jumpsuit, decorated with applications in the form of a deer and a striped pattern. Specifications: Elastic neck Nickel-free buttons on the shoulder and in the diaper area ...


Baby MUST-HAVES. Here is a list of baby stuff you would need for your baby. And guess what?? They are BLUE!!! So here we go CAR SEAT(MAXI-COSI) I guess there is no need to write how important it is. Your baby's safety should always be your number 1 priority and number 1 MUST-HAVE!!! Not to mention, the hospital ain't giving you your baby without a car seat. I personally use the maxi-cosi pebble and love it!!! STOKKE XPLORY Strollers are definitely my number 1 baby must-haves. No other stroller brings you closer to your baby than the legendary Stokke Xplory. The stroller seat is adjustable in the direction of travel or facing the parents, as well as the height and angle of inclination of the seat, which gives the family the opportunity to adapt the stroller to the changing needs of your growing child. Fixed swivel wheels make your Stokke Xplory easy to drive and maneuverable through the narrowest city streets. And you can get it in BLUE!!! ...


According to the official data of AAP and ESPGHAN, it is considered that solids should be introduced no earlier than 17 and no later than 26 weeks. But age is not the only and not the main sign that it is time. The main and absolutely individual factor is the child's readiness for solids. There is a temporary "tolerance period" when it is necessary to begin the introduction of solids. Signs your baby is ready for solids: 1. The emergence of food interest 2. The extinction of the tongue thrust reflex 3. Ability to maintain a vertical posture (SIT WITH SUPPORT) 4. The ability to control head movement 5. The ability to take something by hand and bring it to the mouth If all of the above symptoms are present, then most likely the child's digestive tract is also ready for solids. TIMELY introduction of solids depends on the individual readiness of the child, provided that the mother understands such readiness and monitors it, and can verify the presence ...