WHY DOES YOUR BABY EAT SLOWLY AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT? Here are common reasons your little one is a slow eater. 1. JUST LEARNING HOW TO CHEW. If you just introduced solids or changed the texture to a thicker one, your baby is learning to chew, swallow, eat with a spoon, etc. The child develops these new skills gradually, it is difficult and unusual for him, and so the feeding process can be delayed. WHAT TO DO? - Be patient, give your child time to learn, help, and assist. Do not rush and do not scold, otherwise, you can scare the child and provoke refusal to eat or discourage the desire to learn a new skill. - If the problem is that the consistency is not suitable for your baby (he hardly eats literally a spoon), then you simply adapt the consistency to a more suitable one at the moment (smaller pieces, softer, etc.) 2. BABY IS USED TO STRETCHING MEALS. Your child always eats 30-40 minutes. This is a habit that the mother creates: she keeps the child at the table, waits for...
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